Unapologetic Happiness

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Restore Me

From the day that we were born up until this very moment in our adult lives, we can all agree that we have experience a lot of bumps and bruises gone through different stages of trial and errors, and let us not forget our share of disappointments. The reality is every step and phase we had to go through was all a part of the preparation process. While we have been taught and given many lectures and skills about life on how to be successful and the must do’s that we have been given.  The reality is most of those things really never prepared us for the school of life, which does require a physical degree or top skills. What it does take is being someone that is coachable, patient with faith.  The best lessons are learned through experiences but knowing how to overcome our obstacles comes through having wisdom and knowledge. True wisdom and knowledge are acquired through the commitment of getting to know who God is and building your own personal relationship with Him. True success is not measured by how much one has or how much money a person has made or is worth, it is measured by the level of peace that a person has no matter what is happening around them. Having all the finest things in life does not reward us with peace, joy, or a fulfilled life. The truth is most people will live their life chasing the ideal idea of what success and happiness should look like only to realize a few things that may be disappointing.


The first thing is many people will become present to is that they are exhausted with life and have spent a lot of time chasing the wrong things. The second thing many will learn is that a lot of the thing they desired and worked so hard to achieve were not really that important. The last and most disappointing thing many will discover later on is how unfulfilled they truly are. We all were created with a purpose that is bigger than us and not about us, while many people rely on their accolades to feel good there are people with a vision to bring forth transformation in other people’s lives which brings them joy. When we discover what our purpose is, and we are on that journey to fulfilling them it is important to not allow old habits and ways of thinking to be In control of how you flow. In purpose there are some important things we must remember such as, being obedient, being present, knowing when it is time to work, knowing when it is time to be still, and knowing when it is time to rest to be restored. To operate at our best, we have to be whole and full but if we are busy skipping over those very important steps, we will risk the chance of being out of alignment with what God wants us to do.  Building a strong relationship with our elf and God are two very important things we must all if you are not already practicing strengthening those relationships. Having a personal relationship with God is key to having spiritual discernment and knowing who you are is key to remaining true and confident to yourself.


In conclusion what I want to leave you guys with today is a task to take a moment to evaluate your life right now as it is and ask yourself who are you and what is your purpose? Have you been living up to your full potential, are you operating without wisdom and knowledge, do you believe you have it all figured out? Lastly, I want you to identify who you are in Christ do you have your own personal relationship with God? We are nothing without him and the more we begin to focus on what is important the closer we get to freedom and true success at life by being brave enough to be transparent and open minded to change.  My goal is to grow daily closer to God and have a level of peace that surpasses any storm in my life as I continue to thrive in purpose. Keep in mind always that it is just as important to rest and be still, as it is to do your part and put in the work. There is a time, place, and a season for everything do not miss the seasons by being blinded by fear and the desire to be in control. Be restored in God’s love and continue to pour into you the word and the way of which our Father teaches us to live. You are more than just a man or a woman with titles and achievements you are woman/ man of God on a mission with a purpose greater than you. When you are feeling lost  and weary do not be afraid  to ask God to restore you.