Sink Or Swim
How do you move on when everything in your life seems to be in chaos? Saturday morning as I was listening to a morning ceremony by Bishop T.D. Jakes as a part of my morning personal development, this was the questioned he asked. I sat and pondered on this question for a little while as I thought about the storm that is present in my life right now. Instantly I was filled with gratitude and gave all praises and honor to God because the truth is, I do not know how I am facing the storm and still have the ability to keep moving. By ourselves and leaning on our own understanding only results in confusion, and stress, But in leaning on God’s word, His love, and His promise we have clarity and the ability to overcome everything. Today I want to ask how are you going through your storms are you praying and worry, are you reacting and rebelling, or are you remaining calm, staying focused, and in good spirits? Our attitude has a big impact on who we are being through our tests and how we are reacting, it is important to remember when we are praying and asking God to bless us that those prayers will be answered but the tests will come first. We have to work on strengthening our faith and fully trusting God’s love. He will never give us more than we can bear, and he will never put us in positions to harm us. Instead God puts us in places to strengthen us, to build us up, and most importantly to teach and remind us of who he is.
We have to get fired up about what God is trying to do in our lives more than we get fired up about what we think we are about to lose. In life we do not lose things or people we grow and advance to new levels that requires a new version of self. In order to grow to new levels in our live we must understand that it will require us let go of somethings so we can make room for God things. When we make the choice to walk in faith and allow God to use us it is important that we prepare ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually, for what is to come. The truth in order to witness miracles and know for ourselves how amazing God truly is we must experience some scary dark moments in our life. If we have never experienced nothing how can learn anything. We cannot see how amazing God is without being tested, through our experiences we learn many valuable life lessons. We all have or will come to a place in our life where we have to evaluate ourselves, take a mental and spiritual check to get back on track. When we dread the thought of starting over remember that elevating to a new level is the beginning of something new. The next time you are feeling fearful about starting over that this is not a down grade but an upgrade.
In conclusion I want to remind you all that in order to move on and keep pressing on in the midst of your storm is to seek counsel from God by surrendering physically and be strengthened spiritually. Quit spending and wasting time waiting for the right moment to begin to utilize the power of choice, and let us begin to choose what is best for us today. The first step is identifying the problem, taking responsibility for our actions, And begin to appreciate the preparation season. It will not always be sunny, but we have to learn to have that joy in our hearts that shines on a cloudy day. Be hopeful, keep dreaming and never stop striving to be better than you were the day before with every new day you are blessed with. We can be our number one fan, or we can be our own worst enemy we have the choice. The question I want to leave you guys with just as Bishop T.D. Jakes asked “how do you keep moving when everything around you seems to be in chaos? I keep moving because when everything on the outside seems to be in chaos it is my duty to keep peace internally, I male a choice to not be moved or broken physically because I will continue to fill my mind, my heart, and my spirit with love.