Live Bold
“Be bold enough to use your voice, Brave enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to live the life you have always imagined.” Are you busy existing or are you investing time living boldly and with purpose? For a long time, I committed to living my life based on the standards and expectations set by my family and cultural background. The older I got the more I began to realize how much I was missing out on because I spent a lot of time playing it safe, living in fear, and staying within the limits created in my mind. I believe that there comes a point in every one’s life when enough is enough, I like to call it having a breakthrough moment which is usually unexpected but needed. The most common issue is that not everyone has the ability to recognize what is happening to make the necessary changes. One of the most normal reactions is to resist and remain comfortable settling for less and familiarity. It takes courage and boldness to change what we have always known and learn all that we did not know. There is an old saying that Goes “what you do not know won’t hurt “The reality is that we always have to take responsibility for all of our actions. There will be situations in life that we are faced with when it is not what you know that hurts it is what you do not know that makes our journey more challenging. We are responsible for what we do and what we do not know, it is our duty to educate ourselves in all areas in our life.
When you know better you do better, and I also believe that when we have the proper knowledge, we are better equipped to take on each task Confidence begins on the inside and is strengthen through love, understanding, and having compassion with self. Holding on to past struggles and hurts is the number one confidence killer, by allowing our past to define who we are and our value. It is extremely important to discover our true selves and reclaim our time so we can take a stand for ourselves with confidence and have spiritual boldness. It is very common for us to allow people, things, and our current circumstances to be our judge what matters most is what God says about us. Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on all the times that God has showed up for you even when you did not seek him first? Everything that we have, and will ever experience has already been written, and we already have the answers and what it takes within to succeed. I remember when I was much younger being a very outspoken, fearless, and driven person in all areas when it came to track I was confident that the race would end in my favor , when it came to music I was vocal in knowing all the words to the song, and there was something about being in the house of the lord that I was always proud and excited to be there. What I take from that is even at a young age we already have a level of confidence and boldness these are things that God has already blessed us with. The reality is we lose our sense of wonder we lose our connection to our inner self and the true essence of our youth that keeps us excited and filled with passion.
As I close, I want to share this great reminder with everyone reading of how important it Is to ask for what you want and believe like a child. What do I mean by that? A kid will allow their heart and their imagination to lead them to ask for what they want with expectation they fully believe that it is possible to have. In the mind of a kid no does not mean no and no does stop them from continuing to ask and believing that they will receive. Just because we grow older in age does not mean we cannot still be youthful in spirit. It is our responsibility to be bold in our pursuit of happiness, life, purpose, and spiritual growth. The past has no control of the future and It does not limit your ability to thrive. The mistakes you have made and what people may think about you are just that mistakes and opinions. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has an opinion, what we also have is the power to choose. What are you choosing for your life, how are you asking for your breakthroughs? We were all created with a purpose but the only way to connect with your purpose is to be bold enough to ask God to guide you and be confident in your walk to receive what is in store for you. Always remember that courage leads you to win battles everyone may lose.