Do Not Be Discouraged
Why do we get discouraged in the off seasons in our life? did you know that the off seasons are the seasons of preparation for promotion in your life? Most people will run, give up, and lose themselves the moment there is shift or unexpected changes occurring in their life. Running has never solved anyone’s problems before instead they help to create more, we only lose because we run but you are never a loser for standing firm no matter what the end results are. You walk out a winner because you have gained experience, understanding, and knowledge that you can take with you and be a blessing to another. How much time do you waste complaining and wishing your life was different and problem free? I will be the first to admit that I used to believe that the people that experienced hardships and trials was due to them not having the best luck and those that appeared to not be having a hard time had the best luck. I grew to learn and understand that one; there is no such thing luck, and secondly, we need challenges to grow to the next level in our life. Where there is potential and life there will be tests, what we must invest more time focusing on and praying about having is the strength to get through.
I had a moment of gratitude a few days ago about my growth and how far I have come, and I can honestly say that this was possible through God’s love, my experiences, challenges, and being able to overcome them. I believe that very often we are so stuck in pain wasting more time pondering on the “why me “questions that we miss our breakthrough. How many times have you gotten through a rough period in your life without having an idea of how you made it? That was God but while he was working things out for us, we were so busy in the midst of complaining that we missed his signs and wonders. The challenges we face are a test of the quality of our life, it is not what is happening that matters it is how we react to what is happening that matters. We spend a lot time praying and asking God for a blessing with out understanding that God answers prayers and He is also testing us to see how responsible we are with little before He can put more on our plate. God already knows our needs and the desires of our hearts he also already knows our thoughts, but He is always giving us chances and opportunities to prove ourselves to be ready to receive what God has in store for us. Open your minds and pray to decrease in flesh and increase in spirit.
In closing I want to remind you all that we did not get here by accident and we cannot get through life depending on luck and disregarding all of God’s teachings. The next time you pray for a blessing remember to ask God for strength and preparation for the tests that will come. It is important that we learn to stand firm in the midst of the storms in your life knowing God is in control and He will never give us more than we can handle. Each day it is our responsibility to be mindful of the thoughts we are having and the words we speak in our private time. I will and I am are two phrases we must get very familiar with saying no matter how hard life gets because the source of our strength is able, and everything is possible when we trust him. It does not pay to be discouraged remaining calm, productive. and optimistic is much more rewarding and beneficial to restoring confidence is self and having faith. You have been through too much and you have come too far to settle and give up, you are bigger than fear and you are stronger than you the challenges you face. Life can be challenging but life can always be fulfilling and joyful If you choose it through your actions and your thoughts. Listen before you react and pray before you think about giving up.