Unapologetic Happiness

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Stand Firm

“You can’t change a negative situation with bad feelings, if you keep reacting negatively your bad feelings with magnify and multiply the negativity.” How many times can you recall falling into traps that causes us to react instead of responding responsibly? many times and more often when someone is on a spiritual and personal growth journey, we are tested more than ever before. Our job and focus should be to pray that God strengthens us spiritually and open our eyes to pay attention to the signs that we are given. God is a provider and a protector, but we are responsible for doing our part God can’t give us what we want if we are not praying and asking for it, and he cannot protect if we aren’t present and paying attention to His signs. Most times we forget to pray first instead we act first which only leads us right back to the first step. Daily we are tested and everyday there is new lessons to be learned the question we should always ask ourselves is “are we open to learning and receiving what God has in store for us each day?” Are you setting intentions daily to be the best version of yourself, to be open to receive what we need?


One of the biggest ironies I have seen and personally experienced is asking God for a blessing, sign, or a favor but missed it because I was too busy expecting it to happen my way. God works in unique and very mysterious ways that requires you to be fully present to hear His voice and see his signs clearly. This weekend I was invited to an event twenty-fours before the event was to  happen, on that same day I had a meeting to attend at 1 :00 and the event was from 8am-4pm. Naturally my desire to be in control kicked in and I began to give myself every logical reason why I could not make it. I fought back and forth in my head even up until the morning of, I prayed about it and I asked God to open my mind and my heart to receive what is for me and revel to my why I needed to be there. Once I gave it to God my energy shifted and today, I am so grateful that I did not allow me to stand in my own way, I was there for 41/2 hours and I got exactly what I needed. I share this to say God is always working we are the ones that is not always listening and prepared to receive what we have been asking for.  Faith without work is dead and prayers without trust and expectancy cannot be answered. We are not in control of how and when God shows up for us what we are responsible for is that we get ready and do the work.


In conclusion I want to encourage everyone reading today to think about how many times have we stood in our own way?  How many times have you missed your blessing or an opportunity because we were looking for God to show up small; so small that we are blinded by doubt when he does reveal and puts us in a position to win. Today I want to urge everyone reading to be open and present, ready and expecting all that we have prayed for. God has no limits and we have to learn to think big and think possibility when we are operating under God’s govern. Our life is a gift that we did not earn and so is our purpose and how we fulfill God’s plans is by being obedient, selfless and in service. Life is always happening and even when things are not making sense today, we must always remember that God ‘s work is far from predictable but every bit of extraordinary. We all are on a journey and we all have an assignment to complete, setting our intentions daily on getting one step closer to God and fulfilling your purpose daily is necessary. I challenge you to show up in every moment of your life as the moment you have been waiting for.