Unapologetic Happiness

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Greatness Is Within

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see Hebrew 11:1, this scripture is one of many that I live by and is connected to for many reasons. The idea of needing physical proof that something will work before we get started is what holds us back from what we are created to do.   The more we wait the longer it takes to show up, the proof is not in what we see it is in what we feel within.  This is where the need for spiritual growth is necessary to become one with our creator, being centered and in silence we are closer than apart from our higher power, in this state we can hear our inner guiding spirit. We can flow and be in alignment with that larger part of ourselves, our soul, or source, which is always loving and serene. Our souls have many wonderful qualities, including love, wisdom, peace, joy, and creativity.


In the past I spoke about being careful of who you share your dreams with, because not all the time will people understand your vision and not everyone will wish you well sincerely. The words spoken over your vision the talks of doubt or advice to change your dreams are the things we do not need, and we can avoid them by not sharing.  The courage to step out in faith to live in your purpose begins with you, there is no one to blame for not getting started but ourselves. We already have what it takes but without belief and staying connected to your source to be guided in the steps we need to take. We also must be prepared for the journey that has already been assigned over our lives to make us not to break us.  Life is simple but the road we must take comes with a lot of bumps and bruises that will all make sense only if we choose to keep going no matter what.


I met a young lady in the mall yesterday she had a cart in the mall for her make-up and lash line business, the name is from her grandmother that passed. I proceeded to ask her how long you have been doing this she responded “I quit my Job in May and just went to work “I responded to her by saying things will work if we work and have faith in the vision we see. I shared this to say I connected to her because I connected with her story, because I too made a choice to give up being in the medical field to follow my dreams. There was a lot of doubt from others and backlash which I am sure this young lady faced but the passion and love you have for your dreams will be all you need to keep pushing. I encourage everyone to get connected with your source center your hearts, clear your mind, and lose the spirit of expectation in people and rely on the love for your vision and God to take you where you desire to be. Believe in yourself and trust the process take all plans in prayer and take massive action there is no time to waste.